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Honda TPS Calibration DIY Guide

To calibrate the voltage on the TPS Sensor, a sensor on the throttle body that tells the ECU where the throttle is positioned. Over time the Tps goes out of calibration and your car's performance suffers greatly for it. I was VERY impressed with the difference this made to my car. It increased throttle response, smoothly revving across the whole rev range and makes for a far enjoyable car to drive. If your car is around the 8 year old mark, you should DEFINATELY do this if you want better performance from your car and offcoarse, who dosen't?! Again, I can't emphasize how effective this is, a must do! THE TPS IS OVERLOOKED OR SHOULD I SAY NOT UNDERSTOOD BUT THE TPS HOLDS GREAT BENEFITS WHEN CALIBRATED. This can be performed by yourself, without help, no problem. This is being done on a d16y4. Steps: Remove the Throttle body - 4 bolts 3 sensors that just unplug (TPS, Map and IACV) 2 coolant hoses on the bottom, unclip the metal clamp and pull the ho...