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Showing posts from April, 2012

How to tune with an SAFC II

Found this video very informative,noob tuners have a go at it with the safc II

What Is Fiberglass | How to Fiberglass | Different Fiberglass Uses | Fiber Glass Guide 2020

What is Fiber Glass ? Fiber glass is a reinforced composite plastic material which comprises of a woven material that is embedded with glass fibers which are randomly laid across each other and held together with a binding substance. Fiber glass is combined with a hardener resin to form an extremely strong and durable composite. When could you use fiber-glass? Following are some of the uses of Fiber Glass: Custom Sub boxes Custom door pods and speaker pods Custom dashboard and gauge pods Custom body kits Body kit repair Advantages of Fiber Glass Fiber glass allows greater flexibility and design Fiber glass allows better use of tight and unusually shaped areas Fiber glass is lighter Fiber glass is relatively cheap Fiber glass is very strong Disadvantages of Fiber Glass It can be daunting for a first timer. Dont be Afraid: Fiberglass can be a bit daunting for a beginner, but its very easy to get the hang of. The more you practice the more you will improve. Mo...

Vacuum gauge:Reading And Interpretation

The complete lack of coverage on Vacuum gauges and their importance isnt our fault ........changing times have prompted us to rely more on OBD scanners to diagnose engine problems where most of us forgot that the engine sitting nicely under our hood was still a hundred year old piece of marvel ......and before the days of the computer wizardry .......a competent mechanic using nothing more than your spark plug (colour) , compression tester and the vacuum gauge could track over a number of engine performance related issues today we will focus and talk about Vaccum gauges and how to use them....... Word of advice : Invest in one (buy one) Vacuum Gauge Though little understood, the vacuum gauge is probably the best single indicator of your engine's health you can get. When your car is idling-whether it's fuel injected or carbureted-the throttle plate or plates are restricting the amount of air the engine can breathe in. The pistons are attempting to ...